The ASEAN CSR Network with support from the EU SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component (PSC) on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) and Circular Economy works to mobilise, catalyse and facilitate business action for the circular economy in ASEAN Member States. This has set out to arrive at a unifying and localised framework for business action on circular economy and engage extensively with the ASEAN business sector to uncover and learn from current circular economy or alike initiatives and their business cases and explore opportunities for collective commitment, business action, learning and advocacy.
The technical advisory project seeded the launch of the ASEAN Circular Economy Business Alliance (ACEBA) – a joint initiative of ASEAN Responsible And Inclusive Business Alliance (ARAIBA) and ASEAN Business Advisory Council. ACEBA is an ASEAN-centric initiative designed to catalyze leadership and action for the regional circular economy transition in Southeast Asia.