Grant Projects in Central Asia 2020-2024

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Grant Projects in Central Asia 2020-2024

SWITCH-Asia Grants Programme funds pilot projects helping companies adopt cleaner technologies and more sustainable industrial practices, as well as helping consumers to act more responsibly in their daily choices and lifestyles. Since 2007, this programme has funded ca. 130 projects, of which 33 are ongoing as of 2024. Projects span across a wide range of sectors and are implemented by over 500 Asian, Central Asian and European partners, about 100 private sector associates, indirectly benefitting up to 80,000 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The evidence provided by projects is meant to feed into policy and regulatory discussions with national governments in their transition towards a low-carbon and resource-efficient economy through the improvement of national strategies and action plans with regard to sustainable production and consumption practices.