Assessment of Sustainable/ Green Public Procurement in Sri Lanka

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Assessment of Sustainable/ Green Public Procurement in Sri Lanka
Year: 2024
Language: English
Country: Sri Lanka

Over the past few years, Sri Lanka has implemented several significant policy reforms in public procurement. These reforms have greatly contributed to improving the country’s public procurement systems. The primary objectives of these changes are to enhance transparency, increase efficiency, and ensure better value for money in public spending, while simultaneously reducing corruption and waste.The overall objective of this assessment is to understand the current state of legal, regulatory and institutional G/SPP Policy implementation framework in Sri Lanka, identify gaps and challenges faced when implementing the policy and suggest recommendations for bridging those gaps. Specific objectives of this assessment are identifying progress of the regulatory and Institutional provisions for implementation of policy, available green products and green certification, market redlines, stakeholder engagement and current state of available opportunities to develop capacity to implement the G/SPP policy in procuring entity levels in Sri Lanka.