Prevention of Marine Litter in the Maldives

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Prevention of Marine Litter in the Maldives
Type: Briefs
Year: 2021
Language: English
Country: Maldives

This document is produced as a part of the project ‘Prevention of Marine Litter in the Lakshadweep Sea (PROMISE)’. The project activities target tourism clusters located along the Lakshadweep shorelines in the Maldives, Sri Lanka and India. The project aims at prevention and leakage of wastes from land-based sources into the Lakshadweep Sea in line with Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) approach. This input paper outlines the preliminary findings about the current waste management related policy ecosystem specifically addressing marine litter in the Maldives and provides initial recommendations based on desk research. Following engagements with stakeholders such as local authorities managing waste, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the tourism sector, business associations, policy makers etc., this document will be updated incorporating the learnings from these engagements.