The Green Building Code Provisions (GBC) are an integration of all the building codes developed so far to reduce the impact of buildings on climate change by using modernized green products and efficient technologies in Pakistan.
EU SWITCH-Asia in collaboration with the Ministry of Climate Change, Pakistan Engineering Council, UN-Habitat, NED University, Karachi, and a long standing international strategic partnership with the International Code Council (ICC), has successfully developed the Green Building Code Provisions, based on 2018 International Green Construction Code (IgCC-2018), ASHRAE 90.2 2018, and various research projects (Arif 2022/NRPU 9626) conducted in Pakistan. The GBC provisions were developed to meet the Sustainable Development Goals 7, 11, 12 and 13 for developing sustainable green buildings and cities, determined under the National Action Plan for strengthening Pakistan’s National Policy Frameworks to Facilitate Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Consumption and Production (RE/SCP).
These GBC provisions provide green eco-friendly practices of building’s design, construction and operation stages; and ensure the sustainable utilization of construction materials to save energy, conserve water, improve indoor environmental quality and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. They are based on previous work by the SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility, including the Green Building Guidelines, that provided an introduction to key concepts and practices essential for building and operating green homes, including key elements of design and construction to facilitate the development, construction and operation of green buildings in Pakistan. The present GBC provisions seek to provide concrete standards and targets enabling green buildings.