In 2020, Thailand, represented by the three main agencies under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, namely the Pollution Control Department (PCD), the Department of Environmental Quality Promotion (DEQP) and the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP), initiated the project entitled ‘Mainstreaming Green Integration of Thailand: Transformation from Policy to Implementation’ and received budgetary support from the European Union through the SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility. The main objective of the Project is to increase the number and encourage the purchase of more environmentally friendly products and services among consumers in all sectors through 5 main activities:
1. Study the various types of environmentally friendly products and services and categorise them for more efficient management;
2. Develop policy and action plans to promote environmentally friendly products and services;
3. Conduct pilot projects to test and improve the policies and plans;
4. Provide knowledge and information to raise awareness regarding environmentally friendly products and services; and
5. Share experiences, good practices and lessons learnt from promoting environmentally friendly products and services to ASEAN Member States and other leading countries on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP).