Localising the Circular Economy Concept under ASEAN Values

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Localising the Circular Economy Concept under ASEAN Values
Year: 2024
Language: English
Country: Multi-country
Insights: ASEAN Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform Webinar Series

The circular economy has become increasingly important for ASEAN as the region seeks to decouple economic growth from environmental impacts. The rich cultural, social, economic, and environmental diversity within ASEAN has led each member state to develop its own distinct interpretation and implementation of circular economy principles. These interpretations are influenced by local practices, cultural beliefs, and the unique challenges and opportunities of each country. Despite these differences, common values such as shared resources and responsibilities, respect for nature, and resourcefulness drive various circularity practices across the region. These diverse approaches underscore how the circular economy is being localized in ASEAN, shaped by regional cultural values and traditions, allowing each country to adapt circular economy principles to its specific context.