Enabling SME access to finance for sustainable consumption and production in Asia: An overview of finance trends and barriers in Cambodia

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Enabling SME access to finance for sustainable consumption and production in Asia: An overview of finance trends and barriers in Cambodia
Type: Reports
Year: 2016
Language: English
Country: Cambodia
Cambodia has one of the most vibrant microfinanc- ing sectors in the world. Yet, financing that exceeds the smaller sums available from microfinance institutions are difficult to obtain especially for small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs). For continuing the growth path that Cambodia has embarked on the access of SMEs to financing is crucial.

This study examines opportunities available for SMEs to obtain capital for sustainable consumption and pro- duction (SCP) practices, in particular for green innova- tions, efficiency improvements and pollution abatement. The study also identifies current challenges that restrain access to (green) finance1 for SMEs.