Elevating Sustainable/ Green Public Procurement for Transformation

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Elevating Sustainable/ Green Public Procurement for Transformation
Technical Advisory Brief

Public procurement provides governments with a powerful tool to achieve their sustainable development objectives. The estimated global value of public procurement is approximately US$11 trillion, representing 12 percent of global GDP. In many developing countries, the government is the single largest purchaser for many categories of products and services. While Sustainable /Green Public Procurement attracts a lot of attention, its potential remains underutilised. This intervention has the ambition to make the environmental dimension of a product or service an explicit requirement in the procurement specification, so that offers that do not meet minimum environmental requirements are disqualified. It also aims for providers of clean products/services to have much wider access to public procurement procedures. Finally, it aims for these ambitions to foster greater transparency in public financial management. 

Seven countries were initially selected to spearhead this work: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste and Vietnam.