Analysis of the Current Situation on Sustainable Consumption in China

Analysis of the Current Situation on Sustainable Consumption in China
Year: 2020
Language: Chinese, English
Country: China
SWITCH-Asia Regional Policy Advocacy (RPAC)

In efforts to advance the progress on sustainable consumption in China, as well as to share common findings with other Asian counterparts, this report will examine policies related to sustainable consumption in China and its current problems and challenges. The report will also identify priorities and propose recommendations to policy makers. The scope of this report focuses on the policies promoting green products, services and the varied consumption patterns in China. Through a top-down hierarchical combing method and comparative analysis method, the report analyzes China's sustainable consumption policies and tools based on eight consumption categories, together with its sustainable consumption policy framework.

The analysis in this report aims to help policy makers and stakeholders who engage in policy research, certification and assessment of green products and sustainable lifestyle, to better understand the current situation and policy framework, including market information based instruments for green products across different sectors, as well as its problems and challenges.