A Sustainable Consumption and Production Approach to Green Building and Housing

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A Sustainable Consumption and Production Approach to Green Building and Housing
Year: 2022
Language: English
Country: Bangladesh
Development of an Action Plan for Bangladesh

Globally, buildings account for more than 30% of total energy use and almost 40% of carbon emissions, a higher share than any other sector. As much as half of the nonrenewable raw resources used by humankind go into construction of the built environment. Increasing energy efficiency and reducing the use of resources throughout the life cycle of a building can have a profound outcome, not only on the planet, but also on human health. The development of a Green Building Code (GBC) can be the key to reducing or eliminating the impacts that buildings have on the environment and natural resources, especially in countries most vulnerable to climate change, such as Bangladesh. Green building concepts are not limited to buildings, but can also be applied to site planning, land use, and socio-cultural connections. The concept of GB, however, is still developing in Bangladesh and therefore lacking professional experience.  

This Report Series aims to:

  • Further familiarise government institutions with the technical aspects and policy options for GB implementation, focusing on the planning and implementation of a GB code.
  • Analyse and share international and regional good practices for green buildings and housing that could be transferred to the Bangladeshi context. 
  • Support the integration of SCP principles in an Action Plan for Green Buildings (GB) in Bangladesh by providing an initial assessment of the constraints, gaps and opportunities that arise in this context.