Final Report: Grant Projects Launch Event Central Asia

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Final Report: Grant Projects Launch Event Central Asia

On 3rd and 4th March 2020, the SWITCH-Asia Grant Projects Launch Event in Central Asia organised by the SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility in close coordination with the EU DEVCO and the EU Delegations in Central Asia, took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The event brought together 60 participants, including representatives from implementing organisations of the seven newly awarded grant-funded projects in Central Asia, the EU Delegations in Central Asia, SWITCH-Asia National Focal Points within ministries in the respective countries, and media professionals working on issues related to SCP and the environment. 

The objectives of SWITCH-Asia Grant Projects Launch were to:

  • Gather together the implementing organisations of the newly awarded SWITCH-Asia projects in Central Asia in order for them to discuss about common challenges and opportunities, providing cross-fertilisation among projects within the same or different sectors;
  • Analyse their contribution to policy dialogue with national governments as well as opportunities for scaling up and replication of their SCP practices at country or regional levels;
  • Present relevant EU and Regional Policies, as framing context for the Central Asia Grant Projects, as well as SWITCH-Asia programme priorities;
  • Present projects with the aim to better highlight SCP related issues and synergies;
  • Present the EU reporting and other administrative requirements to ensure adequate understanding of the needs and challenges for an efficient delivery;
  • Introduce SWITCH-Asia Communication Guidelines and web platform.