Sustainable Public Procurement Action Plan in Mongolia (Draft)

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Sustainable Public Procurement Action Plan in Mongolia (Draft)
Year: 2022
Language: English
Country: Mongolia

The Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) Action Plan is part of the technical support provided to the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) of Mongolia through the SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility, funded by the European Union. Creating a National Action Plan (NAP) is a key part of SPP implementation. It provides a clear direction and mandate for SPP implementation and a sound basis for building a coherent and well-coordinated approach. This NAP is based on a desk study, interviews with national SPP responsible organisations and individuals, and findings of the Status Assessment Report.

Rapid economic development leads to increased consumption and production, which can have significant negative effects on the environment, resulting in resource depletion, pollution, environmental degradation, and contributions to climate change. Public spending typically represents 15-30% of national GDP and the public can be a strong driver of the markets towards innovation and sustainability in the shape of SPP. SPP enables governments to meet environmental goals such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving energy and water efficiency, and supporting recycling. The social benefits of SPP may include poverty reduction, improved equity and strengthened core labour standards. From an economic perspective, SPP can generate income, reduce costs and support the transfer of skills and technology. This draft Action Plan for implementation of SPP has been prepared as an update of the PAGE Action Plan prepared in 2017. The new Action Plan introduces elements from the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) new SPP approach from 2021.