Waste Management in Pakistan

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Waste Management in Pakistan
Year: 2022
Language: English
Status, Best Practices, Recommendations

Facing a multitude of environmental challenges, Pakistan needs to develop its institutions and systems for the efficient management of waste. A rising population combined with increasing per-capita waste generation creates an unavoidable demand for proper waste management systems, to ensure sustainability as well as cleanliness. Whilst consumers need to be educated regarding waste management, there is also a dearth of legislation and policymaking to ensure that waste is optimally managed. The informal waste sector in Pakistan needs to be formalised and actions must be taken towards that end. 

The report is an output of extensive deliberation and consultation of stakeholders mapped from public and private sector, development sector, and grass-root level organisations to explore all possible avenues of efficient waste management by incorporating technologies as well as implementation frameworks and systems. The initiative will ensure that Pakistan is on the path to Sustainable Consumption and Production practices, according to its National Action Plan on SDG 12 that has been a key guiding principle for all initiatives and actions to substantiate resource efficiency.