Malaysia National SCP Blueprint

Malaysia National SCP Blueprint
Year: 2016
Language: English
Country: Malaysia
The Pathways for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in Malaysia

The National SCP Blueprint was developed with the assistance of an expert team seconded to the EPU by the European Union. Dozens of ministries, agencies and hundreds of individuals have been involved over four years in consultations to connect the dots of a very crosscutting subject that is relevant for all Malaysians and consequently for all government institutions. SCP was included in the Eleventh Plan which has requested the SCP Blueprint. This long-term plan is setting a benchmark in SCP policy making. The document is Malaysia’s answer to the recommendation of the United Nations for a national SCP framework.

The Blueprint places Malaysia in an excellent position to pursue the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) until 2030 which contain SCP as a core goal. Like with any plan, implementation is the most critical aspect. The collaboration of all government stakeholders will be necessary to reach out consistently to the people and business communities. The EPU will coordinate the process. Ministries and agencies will spearhead the distinct pathways. The ten pathways of the SCP Blueprint are a set of strategies to communicate with the public through regulations, economic signals, education and information. These measures constitute a comprehensive and interlinked framework to gain more through less and will propel Malaysia to a sustainable future. The full adoption of SCP will require time and a comprehensive shift of mindsets. Therefore, the SCP Blueprint has a long-term planning horizon until 2030. But it is necessary to start now to achieve the set goals until then.