Sustainable Consumption and Production, Instructions for trainers

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Sustainable Consumption and Production, Instructions for trainers
Type: Reports
Year: 2015
Language: English
The purpose of this booklet is to complement the publication Sustainable Consumption and Production: A Handbook for Policymakers. This booklet is a guide to developing trainings programs with the aim of building the capacity of policymakers on SCP. This booklet provides guidance on organising and developing workshops and details lesson plans for the delivery of the handbook’s 14 key modules on SCP.

Training Objectives

The modules provided in this booklet can be used to deliver training that will address the following general learning objectives:

  • Review SCP and Resource Efficiency concepts and their importance for countries across Asia- Pacific.

  • Be familiar with the SCP policy cycle and the available policy tools and instruments.

  • Assess the role of government in shifting towards sustainable production and encouraging sustainable consumption.

  • Analyse a range of thematic policy options and practical advice to put SCP policy into practice.

Each lesson plan however, has specific learning objectives that can be tailored to the target audiences, country contexts and languages used for each training.