Mobilising Business into Action for the Circular Economy in ASEAN

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Mobilising Business into Action for the Circular Economy in ASEAN
Year: 2023
Language: English
Country: Multi-country
Technical Advisory Brief

The ASEAN CSR Network with support from the EU SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component (PSC) on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) and Circular Economy works to mobilise, catalyse and facilitate business action for the circular economy in ASEAN Member States. This has set out to arrive at a unifying and localised framework for business action on circular economy and engage extensively with the ASEAN business sector to uncover and learn from current circular economy or alike initiatives and their business cases and explore opportunities for collective commitment, business action, learning and advocacy.

This business-led initiative will:

  1. Facilitate arriving at a shared understanding of the criticality, scope and business case of circular economy in ASEAN;
  2. Fact-find, analyse, document and draw lessons for replication and scaling from business experiences with circular economy in ASEAN; and
  3. Engage business sector to ascertain and foster business commitment and ambition on the circular economy in ASEAN.

The initiative focuses first on Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam, with the intent to expand ASEAN wide, based on the experiences and learnings in these five initial countries.