Green Building Procurement Manual for Public Managers

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Green Building Procurement Manual for Public Managers
Type: Manuals
Year: 2020
Language: English
Country: Multi-country

This Green Building Procurement Manual suggests green procurement practices within the context of existing public procurement policies and procedures in select Member States of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). A definition of green building procurement is offered that emphasises energy in buildings and the overlap with modern day concepts of environmental sustainability.

The Manual suggests how procurement officials may organise their green procurement programmes. Product safety and engineering standards for the procurement of renewable energy and energy efficiency systems are identified. A detailed mapping is made of the requirements of the 2018 CARICOM Regional Energy Efficiency Building Code to the energy efficiency product specifications under the ENERGY STAR label. A special connection to water use efficiency is also made. Performance criteria are introduced in the form of simple payback analysis and life cycle analysis. A survey of other international environmental sustainability labels is also given.