Cleaner Production Manual, Wool and Yarn Dyeing

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Cleaner Production Manual, Wool and Yarn Dyeing
Type: Manuals
Year: 2017
Language: English
Country: Nepal
This Cleaner Production orientation manual for Wool Dyeing Industries is the result of Cleaner production activities being implemented in Wool Dyeing enterprise, an European Union funded project “Enhancing Sustainability and Profitability of the Carpet and Pashmina Industries in the Kathmandu Valley” implemented by Mercy Corps Nepal and partner, SEED Nepal. The objective of this initiative is to establish safe and healthy environment through efficient use of industrial resources, improve environmental performance of the industries and its productivity.

Cleaner production is the continuous application of an integrated preventive environmental strategy to industrial process, products and services so as to increase efficiency and reduce risks to humans and the environment.1 The objective of cleaner production manual for Wool Dyeing industries is to provide step by step guidance on how to conduct cleaner production assessment and implementation. The manual explains all steps which managers for small, medium and large industries can use to conduct cleaner production assessment and finally implement it. The central element in cleaner production assessment is the analysis of material and energy flow entering the process in order to identify opportunities for cleaner production and solve problems related towaste and emissions at their source. The manual provides the essential information and illustrations to conduct cleaner production assessments. It comprises of mainly five phases and several steps for each phase. The first phase is called planning and organization. The objective of this phase is to convince the management and employees in the industry of the need for cleaner production.