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Identifying hot spots by implementing cleaner production audits

The Challenge

Manila Bay is the Philippines major economic centre. At the same time it is the country’s hot spot for pollution. Manila has been cited by the World Health Organisation as one of the most polluted places in the world. The challenge for Metro Manila and its linked CALABARZON region is great, as the country has a huge energy deficit. The Philippines is heavily dependent on fossil fuel. In addition, the level of law enforcement with regard to environmental regulations among industry is low.

The Objectives

The key objectives of GPIoS are to minimize the environmental impacts caused by SME's in the target region by adopting preventive environmental production and to integrate sustainable growth, social progress and environmental protection with the business of the participating companies.

The main activities include:

  • Establishing a GPIoS Training Center
  • Training and consulting 500+ companies under Eco Profit programs (Eco Bonus, Eco Focus and Eco Sense)
  • Consulting about 180 companies who have already gone through one of the above programs through successive CLUB programs to further improve their eco-performance
  • Designing & developing self assessment toolkit based on ECOSENSE approach
  • Validating and awarding best performing companies

The Way Forward

Green Philippines Island of Sustainability envisions:

  • Reduced pollution level and to increase resource efficiency levels in specific companies in Metro Manila and its linked region CALABARZON
  • Increased awareness and use of environmentally friendly technologies and practices
  • Implementation of legal compliance and safety instruments leading to improved resource efficiency and increased working standards in participating SME's
  • Improved micro climate of the target region
11/2009 - 11/2013
Total Budget:
EUR 2,386,970 (EU contribution: 80%)
Contact Detail:


Ms. RND. Alena Labodova, PhD

VSB – Technical University Ostrava

17.listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic

[email protected]

+420 59 699 5540 / +420 59 6918589


Dr. Thomas Dielacher, Ms Juvy Perez

Level 5, A&V Crystal Tower, 105 Esteban Street,

Legaspi Village, 1229 Makati City, Philippines

+632 403 1890 / +632 403 8358

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Lead Partners

Technical University Ostrava (VSB)

Technical University Ostrava (VSB)


Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation (ASSIST), The Philippines

Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation (ASSIST), The Philippines

Austria Recycling (AREC)

Austria Recycling (AREC)

Center for Appropriate Technology (GrAT)

Center for Appropriate Technology (GrAT)

European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP)

European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP)

Philippine Business for the Environment, Inc. (PBE)

Philippine Business for the Environment, Inc. (PBE)


Impact Sheet