
Switch off Air Pollution: Дулаан шийдэл

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Switch off Air Pollution: Дулаан шийдэл
Energy efficiency advisory and financial intermediation for sustainable housing

The Challenge

The Government of Mongolia has declared air pollution in Ulaanbaatar a state emergency in early 2017, with renewed ambitions and openness to explore additional ways to tackle the issue. Despite many projects and actions conducted, including e.g. free electricity during night time in ger-areas, use of electric heaters and recharge heat accumulators for day time use, addressing the issue of thermal efficiency of individual houses is playing an important role when developing sustainable solution for pollution challenges in Ulaanbaatar.

The Objectives

  • Promote sustainable consumption patterns and behaviours in the individual housing sector of Mongolia through energy efficiency advisory and financial intermediation.
  • Reduce pollution in Ulaanbaatar’s Ger areas through improved energy efficiency in housing, awareness raising, technical training and technological support to MSMEs and households.

The Way Forward

  • The project estimates that over the next four years, 1.000 EE houses will be retrofitted, saving 1.600 mT of coal and avoiding the emission of 6.000 TeqCO2.
  • Appropriate technical solutions and recommendations for energy efficient dwellings are defined and shaped for dissemination to construction professionals and households.
  • Construction sector capacity to sell and set-up EE retrofit or building is strengthened through gender sensitivity.
  • Final households and SMEs are pro-actively linked, through finance intermediation, to project relevant financing tools and subsidy mechanisms.
  • Energy efficient and gender perspective solutions and practices are disseminated with the support of energy advisors, finance officers and awareness raising actions.
  • Conditions for scale-up and replication of the project package tool are in place, including gender mainstreaming.



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Total Budget:
2.191.896,24 euro (EU contribution: 80%)
Contact Detail:


Ms Davaajargal Batdorj 

[email protected]

Geres - Acting for Climate Solidarity

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Lead Partners

GERES - Acting for Climate Solidarity

GERES - Acting for Climate Solidarity


Building Energy Efficiency Center (BEEC)

Building Energy Efficiency Center (BEEC)

Ger Community Mapping Center (GCMC)

Ger Community Mapping Center (GCMC)

Mongolian National Construction Association (MNCA)

Mongolian National Construction Association (MNCA)