The Challenge
The harvesting and pre-processing of rattan in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam was unsustainable and wasteful. The processing industry was over-exploiting the rattan sources, had little environmental awareness, and was responsible for health risks to its workers. The rattan industry faced poor competitiveness on the global market. However, villagers have been heavily relying on this resource for their income.
The Objectives
The project aims to boost the export of sustainable rattan products and improve the environmental performance of the processing industry. By 2015, the project envisions that at least 50% of rattan processing in the region will be sustainable, leading to environmental improvements, strengthened competitiveness, poverty alleviation and national economic benefits.
The Way Forward
- Systematic involvement and training of all actors along the rattan supply chain, from village producer groups to buyers;
- 12 contracts with international retailers were signed and 46 are being drawn up;
- 22,000 villagers increased their income by 5-45 %;
- World-wide first FSC certified rattan and 19,000 ha under responsible forest management;
- 220 SMEs were introduced to cleaner production;
- Policies reviewed and piloted to support community based rattan processing and to promote a green rattan industry;
- 38 SMEs started to switch their production system in consideration of environmental and social standards;
- 5,774 households (rattan pre-processors) improved rattan production skills;
- WFTO membership for Rattan Association of Cambodia.
1/2009 – 12/2011Total Budget:
EUR 2,417,694 (EU Contribution: 80%)Contact Detail:
Ms. Sabine Gisch-Boie
Mr. Thibault Ledecq
Ottakringer Straße 114-116,
1160 Vienna, Austria
Lead Partners
WWF Austria
Artisans’ Association of Cambodia (AAC), Cambodia