
China Motor Challenge

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China Motor Challenge
Mitigating climate change by promoting high-efficiency products for motor systems in China

The Challenge

Electric motor systems in industrial China account for about 60% of the country’s total electricity consumption. Unfortunately, their actual operational efficiency is about 10-30% below international best practice, depending on the industry. As the majority of electricity in China is generated from coal, causing the average amount of CO2 per kWh to be higher than in developed countries, electric motor systems are a significant contributor to climate change. Certain sectors are particularly intensive users of electric motors but are often unaware of the huge potential savings in energy and the quick return on investment for upgraded motor systems, particularly in small and medium-sized enterprises. The challenge, then, is to raise awareness of the true cost of the motor systems and to raise efficiency as fast as possible.

The Objectives

The SWITCH-Asia project China Motor Challenge aims to facilitate over 400 major industrial users of electric motor systems to improve their operating efficiency of their systems and achieve a far-reaching impact in the demand for high-efficiency motor systems, while actively supporting the creation of a stimulating policy environment.

The specific objectives include:

  • Reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions;
  • Transformation of the market to rely on high efficienccy electric motors, and motor system components;
  • Promotion of best practice in the design and application of energy-efficient motor systems;
  • Promotion of energy service companies and their services;
  • Increased exports in Chinese goods that meet international standards.

The Way Forward

The SWITCH-Asia project China Motor Challenge facilitates improvements in the operating efficiency of electric motor systems for major industrial users. It contributes to an increase in the demand and supply for high-efficiency motor systems through the promotion of best practice in design, production and application.

  • Reduction of CO2 through motor upgrades;
  • Highly efficient products open business opportunities.
11/2009 - 11/2012
Total Budget:
EUR 1,124,946 (EU Contribution: 80% )
Contact Detail:


Mr. Zhang Xing

China National Institute of Standardization

No. 4 Zhi Chun Road, Haidian District,

Beijing, 100088, China

Email: [email protected]

Lead Partners

China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS)

China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS)


Association of energy service companies – China Energy Conservation Association (EMCA)

Institute of Systems and Robotics – University of Coimbra, Portugal

UN Industrial Development Organization – Investment and Technology Promotion Office, China (UNIDO)

UN Industrial Development Organization – Investment and Technology Promotion Office, China (UNIDO)


Impact Sheet