Location: ASEAN
Themes: Circular Economy Knowledge Hub
The Challenge
Circular Economy (CE) transition has become increasingly important in the ASEAN countries. Governments are introducing national circular economy policies/strategies and businesses recognise the need to transition towards circularity through strategies and actions to remain competitive.
The SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component (PSC) supports the transition of ASEAN countries to a low carbon, resource efficient and circular economy. It also recognizes the contribution of regional stakeholder platforms and networks that support SCP implementation, involving SMEs and business intermediaries to adopt cleaner technologies and more sustainable and circular industrial practices, as well as helping consumers to act more responsibly in their daily choices and lifestyles. These platforms can improve national strategies and action plans towards SCP actions and practices, while also catalysing business actions and investments in SCP and circular economy.
Given the scope and outreach strategies of SWITCH-Asia, the PSC is committed to work and engage with stakeholders in the ASEAN Member States, to increase their knowledge, understanding of and action on SCP thereby contributing to developing sustainable and resilient value chains.
The PSC recognises the ASEAN Centre for Sustainable Development Studies and Dialogue (ACSDSD) as an important partner in building awareness, knowledge and capacity on SCP and Circular Economy (CE) within ASEAN. The ASEAN Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is hosted by the ACSDSD at the Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand. This Platform is part of the EU-ASEAN Partnership on Circular Economy, endorsed by the ASEAN Senior Officials on the Environment (ASOEN) in 2018. It is partly supported by the Enhanced EU-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument (E-READI), a cooperation programme facilitating dialogues between the EU and ASEAN.
The ASEAN Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform intends to:
- Operate a knowledge and information portal to share good practices, knowledge resources, events, and other relevant information;
- Promote knowledge-sharing and dialogue among policymakers, the business community, and civil society in ASEAN on opportunities and obstacles to a shift to more circular practices, including how new or revised government policies could accelerate such transformation;
- Help identify and advocate supportive public policies and actions at regional and national levels;
- Raise awareness of the relevance and benefits of circular economy practices in ASEAN member states;
- Serve as a node for exchanging experiences with European countries and the EU;
- Connect circular economy practitioners in ASEAN and the EU to facilitate such knowledge exchange.
- Strengthen the ASEAN Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform’s knowledge hub with ASEAN-relevant knowledge products;
- Establish the ASEAN Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform as the “go to place” to access relevant knowledge and information related to the CE and SCP in ASEAN, including through the production of news/ web stories, promotion of relevant events, among others;
- Strengthen partnerships with ASEAN university networks working on shared goals and priorities, and encourage exchange and cross-sharing of knowledge and information;
- Establish the ASEAN platform for policy dialogues in contribution to the implementation of the ASEAN SCP and CE Framework involving multi-stakeholders and key players.
Way Forward
- The online presence, outreach and knowledge management of the ASEAN Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is strengthened, leading to a more effective knowledge-sharing and dialogue, targeting policymakers, the business community, and civil society in ASEAN.
- Leveraging partnerships among institutes of higher education in ASEAN that are working on shared priorities (circular economy, SCP, SDGs, sustainability, among others), and promoting cross-pillar and cross-sectoral cooperation and knowledge sharing, SWITCH-Asia will support The ASEAN Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform with the planning, organisation and delivery of six webinar sessions focusing on “unpacking” the strategic priorities outlined in the “ASEAN Sustainable Consumption and Production Framework” and the “Framework for Circular Economy for the ASEAN Community”. This will allow ‘translation’ of relevant concepts into realities of ASEAN stakeholders defining their roles as contributions to the implementation of these policies through SCP and CE practices.
- The online presence, outreach and knowledge management of the ASEAN Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is strengthened, leading to a more effective knowledge-sharing and dialogue, targeting policymakers, the business community, and civil society in ASEAN.
- Leveraging partnerships among institutes of higher education in ASEAN that are working on shared priorities (circular economy, SCP, SDGs, sustainability, among others), and promoting cross-pillar and cross-sectoral cooperation and knowledge sharing, SWITCH-Asia will support The ASEAN Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform with the planning, organisation and delivery of six webinar sessions focusing on “unpacking” the strategic priorities outlined in the “ASEAN Sustainable Consumption and Production Framework” and the “Framework for Circular Economy for the ASEAN Community”. This will allow ‘translation’ of relevant concepts into realities of ASEAN stakeholders defining their roles as contributions to the implementation of these policies through SCP and CE practices.
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