Thailand approves Green Integration Policy (2022 - 2027)

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Thailand approves Green Integration Policy (2022 - 2027)
Country: Thailand
Promoting Green Public Procurement

On 11 May 2022, at the Royal Thai Government House, Mr Pravit Wongsuwan, Deputy Prime Minister was the chairman of the National Environment Board Meeting. The Board approved the Green Integration Policy (National Action Plan on Promotion of Green Public Procurement 2022 - 2027).

This policy is one of the outputs of the EU funded SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility policy support provided to Thailand in cooperation with three departments under the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment (Pollution Control Department, Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy, Department of Environmental Quality and Promotion). The Action Plan's objectives are to drive national strategy into practice and provide directions to promote green procurement; support the implementation of green procurement in all sectors (central and local government, state enterprises, universities, and private sector); encourage the production of green products, and establish a mechanism for communication and collaboration between departments working together towards these shared goals. 


Original news and Photo Credits: https://www.prachachat.net/general/news-928834