Tha Bar Wa project organized a Training of Trainers (ToT) on Energy Efficiency (EE) conducted by international energy efficiency consultant Mr. Rajat Batra focusing on Food and Beverage (F&B) sector. 10 trainees from engineering, energy management and related background participated in this training.
A 6-day training focused on the topics such as basics of energy efficiency, energy efficiency for factory utilities and equipment, consultants role and approach towards energy efficiency assessments/ energy audits, specific inputs on equipment such as boiler, motors, lights and their applications, use of templates and tools for energy assessments in factories, calculations of energy savings and presenting the report to client management, measurement and verification of the impact and effectiveness of implemented measures were among many other topics.”
Ma Thet Mon Aye, an IT engineer in a software developing house, was happy to attend the training as she has learnt energy efficiency. Energy efficiency is something that she has been curious to learn from a long time. As an engineer, she already had the basic understanding. However, she has been searching more about energy in the books and has asked her friends who is working on solar power. Finally, she found out “energy efficiency” through this training which is very new and interesting subject for her.
Trainees enjoyed visiting factory sites during the training. They also are eager to engage with the project for the upcoming energy efficiency assessments at factories in a need basis that will start after the trainings.
Ko Ye Min Thu who majored in electrical power, works currently as a consultant and executive engineer was among the trainees. During the 6 days training, he gained many valuable knowledge like loss/waste due to insulator failure which he was unaware of and other important concept on energy efficiency. He will now apply what he has learnt from the training.
These trainees will be allowed to join in the additional advance training on the same topic in the future. As Tha Bar Wa is looking to build a pool of trained national experts willing and able to support F&B companies in reducing their energy use and costs. These pool of experts will be available to companies for fee-based energy consultancy services in future.”
Source: www.wwf.org.mm