Sustainable development remains a crucial topic on the tourism agenda, and the pandemic has highlighted the impact of human activities on the environment and local communities. This has inspired many to make more mindful choices for future travel destinations. An increasing number of tourists now value the opportunity to visit different places while minimizing environmental harm.
The European Union funded SWITCH-Asia PERETO project has just launched the voluntary environmental certification ECO KG for HoReCa businesses in Kyrgyzstan. This certification will inform customers about the green technologies and sustainable development methods already implemented in cafes, hotels, and restaurants.
Eco-certification is a significant step in promoting sustainable tourism. It contributes to the additional demand for green technologies in HoReCa establishments, thus reducing the business sector's environmental impact, said Maksat Damir uulu, Program Manager of the PERETO project.
At the request of entrepreneurs, we conducted eco-audits in 23 hotels, cafes, and restaurants across Kyrgyzstan in a pilot format. Certified energy and resource efficiency experts performed these audits. Today, we awarded certificates and special quality marks in the categories of 'Bronze' (9 enterprises), 'Silver' (9 enterprises), and 'Gold' (5 enterprises) to those businesses that successfully underwent the audit, shared Nurzat Abdyrasulova, Founder and Chief Executive Director of Unison Group
Key criteria for eco-certification include:
- Environmental management
- Water conservation and wastewater management
- Waste management
- Energy conservation and renewable energy implementation
- Eco-friendly management of material resources
- Eco-transportation and eco-mobility
- Eco-approaches in organizing food supply
- Environmental practices in adjacent areas (if applicable)
- Social responsibility
- Eco-approaches in organizing food supply
For entrepreneurs' convenience, PERETO is also developing the ECO KG mobile application, allowing businesses to self-assess their environmental status and apply for an eco-audit from any location in Kyrgyzstan. The compliance certificates are recorded in the unified registry of certified objects by the executing organization and PERETO's partner, the Green Alliance of Kyrgyzstan, and are valid for 2 years.
"This is our first certification. Today, our hotel received the 'Bronze' category, but we will continue to create conveniences for our guests while caring for nature and strive for the highest award – the 'Gold' category," shared Shayyrgul Abdyrahmanova, owner of Tes Hotel in Osh city.
Watch the ECO KG Certification Awards - PLAY VIDEO
Featured in the media:
- https://pereto.kg/video/57
- https://kabar.kg/news/v-kyrgyzstane-vpervye-sostoialsia-ofitcial-nyi-zapusk-dobrovol-noi-ekologicheskoi-sertifikatcii-eco.kg/
- https://kaktus.media/doc/493154_v_kyrgyzstane_poiavilas_dobrovolnaia_ekologicheskaia_sertifikaciia.html
- https://24.kg/ekonomika/283300_vkyirgyizstane_zapuschena_sistema_dobrovolnoy_ekosertifikatsii/