Media Advisory: European Union to Renew Commitment to Greening Asia with 11 New Projects at Regional Launch and Networking Events

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Media Advisory: European Union to Renew Commitment to Greening Asia with 11 New Projects at Regional Launch and Networking Events
Country: Thailand
Regional Networking Event

Bangkok, 20 September, 2018 –With more than 300 million Euro already invested towards promoting sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in Asia through the SWITCH-Asia Programme, the European Union (EU) is underlining its dedication to supporting this important shift with 11 new grants projects. On September 20th at the SWITCH-Asia Launch and September 21st at the SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility Regional Networking Event, these 11 new SWITCH-Asia grants from seven countries will be showcasing their contributions that benefit local communities and support the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Both events will take place at Swissotel Le Condorde in Bangkok.

Representatives from each project detailed below will be available for media briefings to provide further insight into the expected local impacts on sustainable consumption and production.  

Promoting Sustainable and Equitable Consumption and Local Food System(Local Harvest)

This grant, implemented by HIVOS, contributes to economic prosperity and poverty reduction in Indonesia by promoting a switch to sustainable consumption and production of green, healthy, fair and local food by consumers and MSMEs

Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Fish Processing Sector (MATA KAIL)

Plan International implements the MATA KAIL grant, which empowers Indonesia's SMEs and MSMEs through support on environmentally friendly and sustainable fisheries processes, products and services which will promote employment opportunities to marginalized youth, particularly young women

Promote Bamboo MSME Clusters for Sustainable Development

This grant, implemented by the Foundation for MSME Clusters, promotes sustainable resource consumption and generates green jobs through development of the bamboo products sector in India

Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production systems for safe and organic foods (Bhoomi Ka)

Implemented by Welt Hunger Hilfe, Bhoomi Ka is aimed at promoting sustainable local food systems that safeguard public and environmental health and promote sustainable smallholder agriculture in India

SWITCHing India's consumption to Fair and Sustainable Goods

Fairtrade implements this grant, which educates and engages consumers in urban India on the concept of sustainable consumption, focusing on food and clothing

Sustainable Textile Production and EcoLabelling (STeP EcoLab)

One of two new grants in Mongolia, STeP EcoLab is implemented by AVSF and guides the shift to sustainable textile production and consumption by leveraging the key drivers of sustainable consumption and production

Energy efficiency advisory and financial intermediation for sustainable housing in unplanned areas of Ulaanbaatar (SWITCH Off Air Pollution)

SWITCH Off Air Pollution promotes sustainable consumption patterns and behaviours in the individual housing sector of Mongolia through energy efficiency advisory and financial intermediation

Catalysing Sustainable Water and Energy Management in Food and Beverage Industries in the Ayeyarwady River Basin (Tha Bar Wa)

The grant implemented by WWF in Myanmar, Tha Bar Wa, promotes cleaner production in the food and beverage industries, contributing to sustainable economic growth in the Ayeyarwady River Basin

Sustainable Tourism and Green Growth for Heritage Settlements of Kathmandu Valley (PARYA SAMAPADA)

PARYA SAMAPADA, which is implemented by UN Habitat, promotes sustainable development, reduce poverty and mitigate climate change through promotion of sustainable tourism and green growth in Heritage Settlements of Kathmandu Valley of Nepal

Implementation of Resource and Energy Efficient Technologies in the Sugar Sector (IREET)

IREET is implemented by IHT. This grant promotes sustainable growth, contributes to economic prosperity and poverty reduction and mitigation of climate change in Pakistan by enhancing resource efficiency of the sugar sector through adoption of Resource & Energy Efficient (R&EE) technologies

Consumer and Retailers in Thailand Driving Sustainable Food Market in the Seafood, Chicken and Banana Food Supply Chains (Dear Supermarkets)

The Thailand-based grant implemented by Oxfam aims at an overall food market transformation via driving industry to incorporate environmentally sustainable, socially ethical and safe standards of food production.

In addition to highlighting the newest round of activities supported by the European Union during the official launch, the one-day regional networking event see the new grants along with fourteen ongoing and recently completed projects and a range of expert stakeholders from the United Nations, EU and other organizations share their experiences and engage in dialogue in a series of thematic discussions. These panels will address key themes from low-carbon economy, green finance and eco-innovation to the media and communicating on sustainable consumption and production.

As the events conclude, SWITCH-Asia is committed to continue the dialogue and driving the switch to SCP, both in-person and through SWITCH-Asia’s new digital ecosystem, which will be profiled at the launch event cocktail reception.

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