On 15 March 2022, with support from the European Union Delegation in Lao PDR through the SWITCH-Asia Programme, The Department of Planning and Finance, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Lao PDR in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) organised a final consultation aiming at consolidating comments and verifying contents with line ministries and key stakeholders of the Lao PDR National SCP Roadmap (2022-2025).
The Lao PDR National SCP Roadmap (2022-2025) is expected to strengthen the SDG dialogue in the country as well as collective actions towards the attainment of the goals set in the 2030 Agenda. Developed through a participatory and consultative process, its vision is to mainstream the uptake of cleaner production technology, renewable energy and energy efficiency practices, responsible waste management, promote eco-tourism and integrate sustainable development principles into education.
Mr Sounadeth Soukchaleum, Deputy Director General, Department of Planning and Finance (DPF), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment welcomed participants and expressed his gratitude to the European Union and its EU SWITCH-Asia Programme for their support.
The National SCP Roadmap (2022-2025) will be a significant policy document to promote SCP in Lao PDR. The Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment will approve it and endorse it, he said.
Ms Cecile Leroy, Programme Manager of the European Union Delegation to Lao PDR explained:
The EU SWITCH programme aims at supporting partner countries in Asia to promote and boost the development sustainable consumption and production models to a low-carbon, resource-efficient and greener economies. In Lao PDR it provides policy guidance and specific support to develop the institutional framework and conducive regulation for a green circular economic development. This consultation was important to present the draft final text of the National SCP Roadmap before its official launch. This is the document that will guide SCP policy implementation in Lao PDR in the next few years.
Finally, Dr Mushtaq Memon, Regional Coordinator for Resource Efficiency, United Nations Environment Programme and SWITCH-Asia RPAC Manager, expressed a congratulatory remark to Lao PDR for its commitment and efforts in successfully mainstreaming SCP into the country’s 9thNational Development Plan.
“With the vision of completing the National SCP Roadmap, the Lao PDR government has moved one step forward towards the achievement of the SDGs, especially SDG12 – accelerating resource efficiency, creating decent jobs and better quality of life, and reducing future economic, environmental and social costs and poverty.”