METABUILD Showcasing Results in Sri Lanka

METABUILD Showcasing Results in Sri Lanka
Closing Event and Next Steps Forward

On 21st January 2020, National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC) Sri Lanka organised the closing event of the SWITCH-Asia METABUILD, a project that has been committed to implementing resource efficient cleaner production (RECP) practices in over 400 SMEs working in the building and construction sector in South Asia. The event took place at Waters Edge, Battaramulla, back-to-back with the presentation of the National Cleaner Production Awards instituted by NCPC Sri Lanka. Officials from several ministries, the EU Delegation to Sri Lanka, UNIDO, industry representatives, academicians and media organisations participated to this event. METABUILD’s achievements over a period of four years (2016-2020) in Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka were presented, particularly the impact that the project had in Sri Lanka and ways to scale-up the action were also discussed.

In Sri Lanka, 81 metal industries mainly from rolling, foundry, fabrication and metal finishing sectors participated in the project. These industries were located mainly in Colombo-Gampaha, as well as in Kurunegala, Kandy, Jaffna and Galle. Selected industries were invited to showcase their experiences and certificates were awarded to participating companies. Moscow Lanka Steel Pvt. Ltd. Was recognised for its outstanding results. Following the event in Battaramulla, another event was organised on 22 January in Colombo. Participating industries and companies were recognised for their achievements and a Resource Controlling tool was introduced to them to monitor their resource consumption patterns even after the project’s completion. 


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