Enhancing the uptake and implementation of GPP Policies in Southeast Asia

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Enhancing the uptake and implementation of GPP Policies in Southeast Asia
Country: Multi-country
From Policy to Practice

In 2021, the EU SWITCH-Asia Regional Policy Advocacy Component (RPAC) has partnered with the Asia Pacific Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (APRSCP) to conduct a study to enhance the uptake and implementation of GPP Policies in Southeast Asian countries, using the results of the project, “Mainstreaming Green Integration of Thailand: Transformation from Policy to Implementation” supported by the SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility (SCP Facility). 

The APRSCP together with partners from the EU SWITCH-Asia Programme organised the online Sub-Regional Webinar: Enhancing the implementation of Green Public Procurement (GPP) in the Southeast Asian Region on 21 February 2022. The webinar featured presentations from the European Commission highlighting the importance of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP), from the APRSCP presenting the results of case studies from Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia, and the SWITCH-Asia RPAC and SCP Facility sharing lessons learned and way forward to enhance G/SPP policy implementation. The webinar also discussed main implementation challenges and enabling factors and solutions to enhance the uptake and implementation of GPP Policies in Southeast Asian countries.

Ms. Anna Lupi from the European Commission highlighted that SPP must be seen in the context of other rules and regulations such as criteria and targets in sectoral legislation for greater uptake. It also has to be supported by the capacity development process and information.

“Governments across the world have tremendous purchasing power. Through Green Public Procurement, they have the opportunity to be change makers in the attainment of the goals set in the sustainable development agenda", highlighted Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Chief Materials Manager of the Indian Railways and President of APRSCP Board of Trustees.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thumrongrut Mungcharoen, from the National Science and Technology Development Agency and the President of the APRSCP Foundation stated, “SWITCH-Asia has been a key supporter to make Green Public Procurement a reality in Thailand both in policy and practice. Results from our project show that all sectors can improve their procurement by enhancing their capacity, making data available, and creating an enabling environment for procurers.” 

Before the regional webinar took place, a series of national webinars were also organised to conduct consultation and share study results in Indonesia (11 February 2022), in Malaysia (14 February 2022) and in the Philippines (10 February 2022). 













Thailand Booklet File Name: pcd_booklet_en.pdf File Size: 1.74 MB Thailand Booklet