
Grants Programme

SWITCH-Asia Grants Programme funds pilot projects helping companies to adopt cleaner technologies and more sustainable industrial practices, as well as helping consumers to act more responsibly in their daily choices and lifestyles. Since 2007, this EU programme has funded projects across a wide range of sectors (energy efficiency in industrial plants and houses, agri-food and fishing sectors, textiles and leather, tourism, logistics and freight) implemented by over 500 Asian and European partners, about 100 private sector associates, indirectly benefitting up to 80.000 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). In 2023, the programme has been extended to the Pacific. 

By supporting the sharing of knowledge and developing local capacity for responsible business practices, SWITCH-Asia is a means for local companies to more easily access the supply chains of multinational companies which seek to establish green and fair conducts within their value-chains. The replication and scaling-up effect of project results together with access to finance and public-private investments for green products, services and technologies will be key elements within the programme in the next years in order to have a greater impact in the region. The evidence provided by projects is meant to feed into policy and regulatory discussions with national governments in their transition towards a low-carbon and resource-efficient economy through the improvement of national strategies and action plans with regard to sustainable production and consumption practices.


Priority areas of work of SWITCH-Asia Grants

158 projects funded in the region over a period of 18 years of which 15 new ones active as of 2024 and implemented by Asian and European organisations. In line with the new ambitions of the EU in terms of green transition, the Grant Scheme of the programme will focus in particular (but not exclusively) on the external dimension of the EU Green Deal and of its focus areas, such as sustainable food-systems and circular economy.




   Orientation for new Grant Applicants - Play the Video 

Calls for proposals are regularly launched by the European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA) at the official website of the European Union. 

To guide future grant applicants, the SWITCH-Asia programme has produced this short video with the aims to:

  • Present the SWITCH-Asia Programme, its activities and communication outreach.
  • Define the trust of SCP and show how its policy and practice contribute to sustainable development.
  • Illustrate contribution of Grant Projects in mainstreaming SCP policies and facilitating the adoption of SCP practices. 


  European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships 

Information Session for New Applicants in  Asia Session   I   Pacific Session   

SWITCH-Asia Media Kit
Download the Kit, all resources are clickable
Information Session for New Grant Applicants
European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships
Grant Projects Book
EU Grant projects and Activities Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production 2008-2026

How to apply 

Calls for proposals are regularly launched by the European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA)
The last call for proposals was launched on 20 October 2023. 

For any information concerning the grant scheme please contact E: [email protected]
Only requests for information addressed to this e-mail account will be considered valid.

Contact Details 

European Commission
Directorate-General for International Partnerships
European Commission
1049 Bruxelles/Brussels

E: [email protected]