Bridging Circular Economy Knowledge and Action through Enhanced Knowledge Generation, Management and Sharing

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Bridging Circular Economy Knowledge and Action through Enhanced Knowledge Generation, Management and Sharing
Type: Workshop
Location: Online
Organizer: SWITCH-Asia and GGKP
Circular Economy Knowledge Hubs Webinar Series

WHEN:  16 October 2024     I    TIME:  15:00 - 16:30 (Bangkok Time)    I    Platform:  ZOOM   I  This event is by invitation only



The Circular Economy Knowledge Hubs Webinar Series is part of an intervention co-implemented by the SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component and the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP). This aims to contribute to a common operational framework for a Circular Economy knowledge taxonomy, by actively involving several regional and global circular economy knowledge and stakeholder platforms in Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.


As the circular economy is gaining momentum globally, so is the number of knowledge products on the topic. A significant challenge is alignment among best practice knowledge products with frequent overlaps in topics, objectives, and target audiences. This issue stems from differing interpretations of the ambition, concepts and operational practices for circular economy, which vary in terminology, scope, prioritized sectors, stakeholder groups, and cultural distinctions. These challenges might also lead to a fragmented approach to managing and disseminating the knowledge, skills, and information required to strengthen actions toward a green and circular economy.


In this context, the project Accelerating the Transition to a Circular Economy: Enhancing Knowledge Generation, Management, and Sharing seeks to develop a common operational framework for a Circular Economy knowledge taxonom(categories, tags, types of content) by actively engaging with various regional and global circular economy knowledge and stakeholder platforms.


The initiative will ultimately contribute to:

  • Improved availability and applicability of practical and experience-based circular economy knowledge for decision-makers, particularly policy makers, businesses and other practitioners;                 
  • Enhanced searchability, accessibility, and contextual understanding of best practice circular economy knowledge and expertise for implementing green and circular economy actions;
  • Increased awareness of the business agenda and case for circular economy among Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs);
  • Overall improved knowledge management practices in Circular Economy Platforms.

Workshop Session

The EU SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component and the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP), are convening the Workshop series.

The initial, invitation-only, workshop will be organised and delivered as part of GGKP’s Circular Economy Leader’s Community that aims to enhance both peer-to-peer exchanges and digitally supported knowledge-sharing among circular economy practitioners. The workshop will introduce the global initiative to key stakeholders, and showcase a baselineknowledge taxonomy. Hands-on activities will also be built in the w flow to gather insights and exchange knowledge on circular economy knowledge curation, management and sharing. The GGKP Green Forum can be used after the event to continue discussions.

Target audience:

Identified platforms and knowledge hubs on circular economy mapped out in Stakeholder Plan and the GGKP circular economy networks, including representatives from five circular economy hubs that are leading this collaborative initiative.



















Welcome remarks and introduction on the context and the aims of the first workshop

  • Zinaida FADEEVA, Team Leader, SWITCH Asia Policy Support Component


Ice breaker with audience facilitated by Axel Darut, Stakeholder Engagement Expert








Introduction to the project: Accelerating the Transition to a Circular Economy through Knowledge Generation, Management and Sharing moderated by Sara GABAI, Stakeholder Engagement, Communication and Knowledge Management - SWITCH Asia Policy Support Component

  • Rene VAN BERKEL, Circular Economy Expert, SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component
  • Hannes MAC NULTY, Manager - Green Industry Platform - Green Growth Knowledge Partnership

Open discussion and interactive session with the audience on circular economy knowledge taxonomy


Concluding Remarks and Next Steps

Zinaida FADEEVA, Team Leader at SWITCH Asia Policy Support Component