SWITCH-Asia Leadership Academy 2021: Technology for A Circular Economy

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SWITCH-Asia Leadership Academy 2021: Technology for A Circular Economy
Organizer: RPAC

WHEN:  6 September 2021    I       TIME:  10:00 AM (Bangkok Time) 


The EU-funded SWITCH-Asia programme aims at promoting sustainable development which contrib­utes the transition towards a low-carbon, re­source-efficient and a more circular economy. The Regional Policy Advocacy Component (RPAC) implemented by UNEP is responsible for organizing the Leadership Academy, a flagship activity of the SWITCH-Asia programme, working closely with se­lected young professionals from Asia to shift mind­sets towards sustainable consumption and produc­tion practices. Previous academies were organised in 2018 in Bangkok and 2019 in China to introduce the fundamental concept of circular economy. In 2020, the Academy dived deep into how to commu­nicate about the circular economy, showcasing case studies from both Asia and Europe. This year, SWITCH-Asia RPAC sees the need to touch base on technology and innovation. Technological ad­vancements across sectors have catalysed circular business models, driving new processes, new com­munication channels and operational efficiencies that promote achievement of circular economy prin­ciples and approaches through enabling the decou­pling of resource use from economic growth across industries. 

Collaborating with Tongji University, SWITCH-Asia RPAC is organizing the 2021 Leadership Academy focusing on innovative technologies towards circu­lar economy across young professionals in the region. 

For more information about the 2021 SWITCH-Asia Leadership academy please visit here.