Policy Dialogue on SDG12 Reporting

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Policy Dialogue on SDG12 Reporting
Type: Conference
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
The main objective of this policy dialogue is to encourage countries to report on SDG 12

Invited participants: 

Regional Policy Advocacy Component (chair), National Focal Points, EU Delegations, SCP Facility, (observers: interested SWITCH-Asia grant recipients and international/regional organisation) 

Objective of the meeting: 

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 which calls for responsible consumption and production, essentially decoupling economic growth from unsustainable resource use and emissions and improving the management of hazardous substances and waste has identified eight (8) targets for reporting. The main objective of this policy dialogue is to encourage countries to report on SDG 12, taking a coordinated approach and in alignment with global indicators which will lead to more convergence of reporting systems and hence reduce reporting burden. Specific objectives are: i) raise awareness of the importance of reporting on SDG 12; ii) understand challenges faced by countries in reporting on SDG 12; iii) showcase how Asian countries are reporting on SDG 12; iv) identify the best ways to support SDG 12 reporting from the SWITCH-Asia Regional Policy Advocacy Component.