Launch of the ASEAN Circular Economy Business Alliance (ACEBA)

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Launch of the ASEAN Circular Economy Business Alliance (ACEBA)
Type: Conference
Location: Hotel Gran Maha...
Organizer: SWITCH-Asia and ASEAN CSR Network
Business Action for the Circular Economy in Southeast Asia

WHEN:  22 July 2024     I    TIME:  9:30 - 12:00 (Jakarta Time)    I    Venue: Hotel Gran Mahakam, Jakarta  I  Hybrid Event - Register HERE 


The transition towards Circular Economy (CE) in Southeast Asia has gained momentum since the adoption of the 2021 ASEAN Circular Economy Framework, and national and/or thematic strategies and action plans in several Member States. Moreover, forward looking, innovative businesses and other organisations have started to adopt circular economy practices and techniques, which in turn are catalysing business action towards the regional circular economy transition in Southeast Asia. 

The ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ABAC) and the ASEAN Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Network (ACN), which championed the ASEAN Code for Responsible and Inclusive Business, conceptualized the ASEAN Circular Economy Business Alliance (ACEBA) as an ASEAN-centric initiative. This initiative aims to catalyze leadership and action for the regional Circular Economy transition in Southeast Asia.

ACEBA is designed to provide visibility and a voice for its participating businesses, thereby encouraging further Circular Economy business initiatives in the region. It supports its participating businesses in implementing Circular Economy solutions by facilitating the development, sharing, and application of good practices, innovative techniques, and appropriate operational tools and guidance.

ACEBA was conceptualized and developed through an inclusive and iterative fact-finding process from October 2023 to June 2024. This process included business engagements and analyses of business examples in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, conducted by the ASEAN CSR Network with the support of the EU SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Circular Economy (See mobilizing business action for circular economy in ASEAN).


On July 22, 2024, ACEBA will be launched as an ASEAN-led responsible business initiative. The launch will showcase ASEAN circular economy business cases documented with the support of the EU SWITCH Asia Policy Support Component. The goals of the launch include:  

  • Encouraging businesses to join ACEBA’s call for leadership and action on the circular economy, thereby contributing to the achievement of the 2021 ASEAN Circular Economy Framework.
  • Additionally, the launch seeks to highlight the diversity of regional circular economy experiences and business practices, serving as input for circular economy policy, strategy, and partnerships among governments, international development partners, and potential supporters.