Waste Management and Technology

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Waste Management and Technology
Location: Online
Organizer: RPAC
To Build a Zero-waste City Systematically

SWITCH-Asia RPAC Session: Promoting Zero Waste Development through Sustainable Consumption


Date: 28 June 2020   I   Time:  11:10-11:30 AM (Beijing Time)   I    WEBSITE


The International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT) initiated by Basel Convention Regional Center for Asia and Pacific has been held for 14 times since its inception in 2005. This conference is an important international platform for specialist and officials to discess scienfic thoughts on solid waste managment, exchange advanced experiences, and look for innovative solutions.

In 2020, the ICWMT 15 will be held online from 28th - 30th June 2020. Themed "To Build a Zero-waste City Systematically", prominent researchers and government officials will be invited to give keynote speeches on the pressing issues of solid waste management, chemicals and circular economy during the conference.


Select the session that you would like to attend in the Registration Form, and send the form back to [email protected] before June 24th.