Green Public Procurement (GPP) in Thailand and the EU

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Green Public Procurement (GPP) in Thailand and the EU
Type: Webinar
Location: Online
Organizer: Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce
Benefits of enhancing sustainable business practices within organisations and markets

When: 4 July 2023   I   Time:  16:00-17:00 (Bangkok Time)   I  On Zoom Register HERE    I   Official event website 


*Please note the Thailand Insights is a Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce (FTCC) programme. The webinars are free for its members and THB 500 for Non-members. The SWITCH-Asia programme is contributing to this knowledge exchange activity through sharing its expertise on GPP. 


Thailand Insights is a Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce (FTCC) programme of monthly webinars organised to give insights on the Thailand market for members of FTCC and companies exploring the Thai market.
This month,  the topic "Green Public Procurement (GPP) in Thailand and the EU: Benefits of enhancing sustainable business practices within Organisations and Markets " will be explored with speakers from the EU SWITCH-Asia programme. Over the last two decades, there has been growing political commitment to promote GPP not only in EU member states but also at international level, with sustainable procurement policies having been launched in many countries, including in Southeast Asia. As sustainability gains greater significance in the corporate world, forward-thinking companies are actively seeking innovative approaches to enhance their operational sustainability and communicate their commitments to their customers. This session will explore the latest GPP policy advancements in Thailand and the EU and the environmental, economic, political, and social benefits associated with GPP implementation. 

Points of discussion:  

  • Policy environment in the EU for GPP 

  • Policy environment in Thailand for GPP  

  • What does it mean for businesses in Thailand and Europe? 

  • How do we expect markets to be transformed? 



Dr. Lunchakorn Prathumratana, Thailand Branch Office Director, SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component 

Lunchakorn is the Project Director of the SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component. In her previous work she was in charge of managing and developing international collaborations in projects relating to Green Public Procurement and ECO Labels. She was also former project manager of the Thai Green Label programme and technical expert at GIZ.




Elodie Maria-Sube, EU policy development and partnership building, SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component 

Elodie is the Key Expert on EU policy development and partnership building of the SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component of the SWITCH-Asia Programme. She is specialized in European Affairs related to topics of circular economy, SCP, climate change and environmental management, and has extensive experience in stakeholder consultation and engagement at the EU level, as well as with high-level officials in Ministries of Environment and Finance in Asia. For over a decade, Elodie has worked in South and South-East Asia on environment and climate change.