When: 7 October 2022 I Time: 14:00-16:00 (Bangkok Time) I Closed-door Event
Change to more inclusive, participatory and co-engaged evaluation processes has become necessary to project management, implementation and reporting. The choices we will make in our evaluative learning today will also play an active role in the just transition towards more sustainable futures.
The key guiding question of this webinar is:
How do we achieve a balance between inclusive engagement and objective data in our current assessment practices?
The webinar will be structured in a series of short start-up modules on evaluative learning with the key objectives to:
- Balance a conventional ‘spectator’ view with more ‘co-engaged and participatory’ approaches to evaluative learning and accountability
- Look into examples of learning for sustainable development as evaluative learning
- Develop more inclusive assessment practices from within and with participants
The Environmental Learning Research Centre is the home of a vibrant and diverse community of scholars and environmental education practitioners and forms a regional hub of environmental learning innovation. Emeritus Professor Rob O’Donoghue's research on environmental education processes of learning-led change has given close attention to indigenous knowledge practices, social theory and environmental learning in post-colonial curriculum and community contexts. Recent work with critical realism has been probing generative research and transformative social learning to inform the Fundisa-for-Change teacher professional development programme and the Amanzi-for-Food initiative on local food production with rainwater harvesting to mitigate the emerging patterns of climate change in eastern southern Africa (learn more about Publications).