Date: 9 - 11 November 2020 Time: 15:00 (SGT, +8 GMT) Register here
Closing a 3-year cycle on SDG 12 - Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) - this year's conference will provide new perspectives on the topics of Single-use Plastic, Sustainable Garments and Sustainable Food Production, all in the light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
As a result, the Conference will follow these four streams:
The Plastic Initiatives - 3R in Action I Sustainable Garment I Inclusive Food Value Chains as a Way of Transition to Circular Economy I Health Agenda Post COVID-19
The conference objectives are:
To contribute to a better understanding of SCP and circular economy among ASEM Partners
To support multi-stakeholder, regional and international dialogues on single-use plastic, sustainable agriculture, sustainable textile and public health
- To provide platform for collaboration and mutual learning
Speakers and Participants:
This conference will gather approximately 100 participants and speakers, including:
Countries’ representatives from relevant ministries working on SDGs’ implementation in the ASEM region
International experts, civil society, academia and business representatives working on SDGs’ implementation, with focus on SCP and circular economy
- Sustainable development experts and practitioners based in hosting country
Expected Outcomes:
An international conference enabling stakeholders to exchange ideas on SDGs implementation, with a focus on SDG 12 and its interlinkages
A report detailing conference proceedings and summarising expert presentations