Asia › Vietnam


SCP Context

Vietnam National Context for SCP and Connection to the Global Agenda

With a long history of a commitment to sustainable development, including the adoption of Vietnam Agenda 21, in 2018 at the High-level Political Forum in New York, the Government of Vietnam presented its first Voluntary National Review of the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, demonstrating its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Vietnam has also consistently implemented policies connected to SDG 12, including the National Strategy for Sustainable Development in 2011-2020, National Strategy on Green Growth in 2012-2020 and Vision to 2050, and Strategy on Cleaner Industrial Production until 2020. These policies were in line with the previous Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy. Vietnam’s National Action Plan (NAP) on Sustainable Production and Consumption until 2020 and Vision to 2030 is the most comprehensive and direct document which explicitly mentions SDG 12 and is intended to guide the country’s path towards sustainable consumption and production until 2030. The impacts of Vietnam’s activities on sustainable consumption and production have been considerable in some sectors. For example, the Strategy on Cleaner Industrial Production until 2020 has been widely implemented across 63 provinces and municipalities, with participation of more than 9,000 enterprises in the mining, steel manufacturing, food and beverage, chemical, construction and other processing industries. SWITCH-Asia has already implemented eight previous projects supporting Vietnam’s sustainable consumption and production efforts between 2009 and 2017 while three projects are currently running, focusing on empowering SMEs involved in improving the sustainability of the shrimp value chain, manufacturers of natural products committed to sustainable business practices and increasing sustainable freight transportation and logistics, respectively.   


  • Partnerships between the government, research and development institutions and the private sector are inadequate to encourage new SCP designs and technology.
  • While sustainable development is a more well-known concept and Vietnam has a higher capacity than many other countries in the region, awareness and understanding of sustainable consumption and production among consumers, the private sector (especially SMEs) and policymakers is low.
  • Compulsory regulations have not been defined for government budget-dependent agencies to apply green public procurement (GPP) while standards and regulations on green public investment and spending have not been set up.
  • Although the government has applied some economic tools such as taxes to discourage unsustainable behaviour, numerous goods and products that may result in environmental pollution are not subject to these taxes while tax rates remain too low to discourage sustainable exploitation of natural resources. 


In addition to responding to the challenges, there are key sectors and activities that will promote overall effectiveness SCP efforts and the long-term success of the SDG implementation including: 

  • Projects and programmes mentioned in the NAP on Sustainable Production and Consumption until 2020 and Vision to 2030 can be expanded and scaled-up.
  • Resources should be further mobilised from international sources, the Government budget and the private sector to enhance capacity building in science and technology on sustainable consumption and production models.
  • Distribution systems should be greened and a national supply chain should be developed. 
  • Other key sectors include GPP/eco-labelling, environmental tax reform, sustainable SMEs (textiles sector), sustainable waste (plastic), mainstreaming SCP and localising the NAP.


  • Increase SCP technical expertise to assist in SCP implementation and to demonstrate the benefits of SCP for businesses and specifically for SMEs. 
  • Development of guidelines for consumers to help them in their buying decisions as well as guidelines covering investments by the private sector and government.
  • Continuing capacity building with organisations with relevant expertise to prepare Government officials and business leaders to understand the necessary actions.
  • Enhancing regulations and enforcement on implementing energy audits, recycling construction materials and promoting new technologies for processing waste.

SWITCH-Asia Activities


SCP Facility 

  • Preliminary assessment of SCP related policies, activities, needs/gaps, and opportunities.

Regional Policy Advocacy Component (RPAC)

Facilitated the participation of Vietnamese key-stakeholders in the following regional/ sub-regional activities:


SCP Facility

  • A multi-stakeholder consultation was organised on 26 April 2019 followed by a demand to support the update of the National Action Plan and implementation of specific activities. 
  • A first draft of the National Action Plan (NAP) on SCP was prepared and a first consultation was organised on 20 September 2019. A second draft of the NAP-SCP was circulated among stakeholders and a second consultation took place on 5 November 2019 and co-organised with MOIT;
  • A revised and final draft of the NAP-SCP was submitted to the Prime Minister in mid-November.
  • Specific terms of reference for selected thematic activities are currently being prepared. 

Regional Policy Advocacy Component (RPAC)

Facilitated the participation of Vietnamese key-stakeholders in the following regional/ sub-regional activities:


SCP Facility

Collaboration with the National Focal Point, the Ministry of Industry and Trade Vietnam for the SCP Facility to implement the following activities:

  • Development of the new National Action Plan on SCP (2021–2030), which was approved by the Prime Minister last 24 June 2020
  • The NAP on SCP was translated to English for publication and launch event organised in coordination with MOIT


Regional Policy Advocacy Component (RPAC)

Facilitated the participation of Vietnamese key-stakeholders in the following national activity:

  • Provided technical and reporting support to mainstream circular economy into National Development Plan through process of developing 3 policy supporting documents to facilitate the mainstreaming process for the Parliament.

Facilitated the participation of Vietnamese key-stakeholders in the following regional/sub-regional activities:


SCP Facility

  • Policy assessment and capacity building on “Enhancing SCP in Seafood Sector in Vietnam” conducted
  • Guidelines on Sustainable Seafood on Consumption and Production (SSCP), Pangasius Manual, and consumer information materials for awareness raising campaigns prepared


Country Profile Vietnam

Grants Projects