Regional Dialogue Driving Mechanisms for Eco-Design in Asia

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Regional Dialogue Driving Mechanisms for Eco-Design in Asia
Location: Bangkok
Organizer: RPAC

When:  Wednesday, 9 December 2020   I    Time: 10:00 - 12:00 (Bangkok Time)   I    Watch Video here   I   Presentations


Human consumption of natural resources has more than tripled over the last 50 years and continues to grow. Eco-design is a proactive approach in designing products and services that use minimum resources and energy and have minimum negative environmental and social impacts througout their life cycle while meeting the users' needs of functionality and quality.

As the world population is approaching 8 billion, the old "buy, use, throw away" paradigm of the linear economy no longer makes any sense and is driving us towards an uncertain future. Eco-design is a prerequisite of the circular economy, a strategy, the purpose of which is to give products an indefinite life within a closed, waste-free circuit.




For more information, contact:

Ms. Santila Pintakup

Tel: 66 2 503 3333 ext. 346

[email protected]