Eighth Asia-Pacific Housing Forum

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Eighth Asia-Pacific Housing Forum
Location: Online
Organizer: Habitat for Humanity and SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility
Building Forward Better for Inclusive Housing

WHEN:  7-9 December 2021    I     Side Event Activities: November 29 - December 5, 2021         I       WHERE:  Bangkok, Thailand (and Online)       I    REGISTER  HERE ​​​​​​


The eighth Asia-Pacific Housing Forum is organized by Habitat for Humanity in partnership with the EU SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility under the theme "Building forward better for inclusive housing". The event highlights the urgent need for affordable housing solutions. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, 1.6 billion people were in need of adequate shelter. Now in the wake of the pandemic, its health and economic impacts has exacerbated the housing crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear the importance of having safe, secure and adequate housing on the health and wellbeing of every person around the world.

The housing sector can be a key driver for economic, social and environmental recovery. There is an urgent need for building forward better in a greener, safer and in a more resilient and inclusive way. The role of housing in driving this recovery in a more sustainable and inclusive way will be covered in the following four tracks. These tracks have been developed after extensive consultation with housing sector players and careful analysis of the most pressing global and regional issues concerning access to decent and affordable housing:



  • Inspire a new vision for more inclusive, healthy and resilient cities and human settlements;

  • Strengthen anchoring of international commitments to SDGs and climate change in national and municipal priorities;

  • Build collaboration between organizations with the capacity to impact and scale up the low-cost, affordable housing sector in the Asia-Pacific region;

  • Recognize and act on the importance of housing as a driver of inclusive economic growth, resilience and sustainability in human settlements;

  • Promote, celebrate and reward innovative and high impact affordable housing initiatives in the Asia Pacific region.

Target Audience

Typically, participants include government representatives, influential business leaders, policymakers, donor agencies, academics, urban planners, architects, property developers, key representatives from international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, social enterprises, housing finance organizations, technology companies, youth organizations, researchers, advocates and others.

SCP Award

A special sustainable consumption and production (SCP) is being sponsored by the EU SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility and will be given to the finalist from the top 12 with the highest score in the sustainability criteria. Learn more here


OFFICIAL FORUM WEBSITE     I     Programme and Side Events    

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