A Key Solution to Climate Change: Sustainable Consumption and Production, Making the Link. The Challenge (Part 1)

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A Key Solution to Climate Change: Sustainable Consumption and Production, Making the Link. The Challenge (Part 1)
Type: Booklets
Language: English
This booklet has been published by the EU funding programme SWITCH -Asia: Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production. It is aimed at European and Asian businesses, organisations involved in developing sustainability solutions, policy-makers, and project developers wanting to help reduce the climate change impact of business in as broad a way as possible. It should be particularly useful to those interested in obtaining grant funds from the SWITCH -Asia programme, and in sharing the benefits of the network of SWITCH-Asia projects.

The booklet has two sides – side one deals with the ‘challenges’ in understanding the causal relationship between economic activities and climate change, and the flip side highlights some practical ‘solutions’ that can be funded, at least in part, by the programme. 

Its objectives are:

• to present a picture of how business and consumers are contributing to climate change, with particular reference to the situation in Asia;

• to outline the concepts of the Sustainable Consumption and Production approach;

• to present sustainable consumption and production technologies and approaches that can be used for climate change mitigation and adaptation;

• to provide ideas for policy-makers and project developers seeking funding under the SWITCH -Asia programme;

• to show how SCP can support the EU climate change position and goals (for example at the Copenhagen COP15 in December 2009).