
SMART Myanmar II

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SMART Myanmar II
SMEs for Environmental Accountability, Responsibility and Transparency

The Challenge

Despite some progress, Myanmar’s garment industry still lacks awareness in the principles of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) and social responsibility. Garment companies need to comply with environmental and social standards to regain access to international markets. Thus, the social and environmental conditions, especially for workers in the sector, will need to be reviewed.

The Objectives

The project seeks to contribute to a switch to sustainable garment consumption patterns and promote sustainable growth of Myanmar’s garment sector. Specifically the project aims at institutionalising, up-scaling and replicating successful SCP practices in the garment sector developed and implemented during the SMART Myanmar I project.

The Way Forward

  • Training SCP consultants on sustainable production and compliance with international standards;
  • Carrying out social compliance academies to improve working conditions in garment factories;
  • Conducting workshops with banks on green finance;
  • Launching a branding and communication initiative “Made in Myanmar” to inform European and Myanmar consumers;
  • Building the capacity of female workers to claim their rights;
  • Identifying good practice companies and honouring the best ones;
  • Initiating public private dialogues on sustainable public procurement;
  • Advocating SCP-related issues with government institutions.



1/2016 – 12/2019
Total Budget:
EUR 2,777,629.59 (EU contribution: 90%)
Contact Detail:


Jacob Clere, Team Leader

[email protected]

sequa, Germany

Lead Partners


Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP)

Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP)

Foreign Trade Association of German Retail Trade (AVE)

Foreign Trade Association of German Retail Trade (AVE)

Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA)

Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA)

Stichting Made-by Label (Made-by)

Stichting Made-by Label (Made-by)