Press Release: SWITCH-Asia SUSTOUKA, Government and SMEs discuss current and future policy instruments to boost sustainable tourism in Kazakhstan

Press Release: SWITCH-Asia SUSTOUKA, Government and SMEs discuss current and future policy instruments to boost sustainable tourism in Kazakhstan
Country: Kazakhstan

ALMATY – 17 November 2021, the EU-funded SWITCH-Asia SUSTOUKA Project (Implementation of SCP practices and sustainability schemes in the MSMEs of the Tourism Sector in Kazakhstan) organised a roundtable to discuss the key role of government authorities in the implementation of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) practices and the promotion of public-private partnerships in the tourism sector. 

Kazakhstan's national and local authorities responsible for tourism development, Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) of the tourism sector discussed current and future policy instruments to boost sustainable tourism in the country together with European and national experts. The discussion was build around the following questions: How to develop and implement sustainable policies? Best ways to promote public-private partnerships and potential benefits? SCP practices that could be introduced in Kazakhstan were also presented by national and international experts. 

Mr Johannes Stenbaek Madsen, Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation to Kazakhstan stressed the importance to have an open dialogue among all relevant government officials and private stakeholders to ease the establishment of new public-private partnerships in the tourism sector, which will create new jobs and improve livelihoods of local communities.

Mr Yerkinbayev Yerzhan Malikovich, Vice-Minister, Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted the specific importance of public-private partnerships in sustainable tourism development in Kazakhstan and highlighted the roadmap for tourism development signed by and between Kazakh Tourism JSC and the National Champer of Entrepreneurs Atameken JSC.

The SUSTOUKA project is funded by the EU under the SWITCH-Asia programme. The EU’s contribution is EUR 1,236,436 for the total budget of EUR 1,545,547. The project’s duration is 36 months (2020-2023). It is implemented by a consortium led by EKOTEK (Project Coordinator) and composed of the European Centre for Eco and Agro Tourism (ECEAT), Kazakhstan Tourist Association (KTA) and Kazakh Association of Hotels and Restaurants (KAGIR). SUSTOUKA aims at boosting the transformation of Kazakhstan towards an inclusive green economy by enhancing the sustainability and competitiveness of its Tourism Sector as a key sector for the country. 



For more information, please contact Mr Juan Antonio Gascón, SUSTOKA project coordinator, e-mail: [email protected]

Ms Elnura Abakanova, Communications Officer, EU Delegation to Kazakhstan, e-mail: [email protected].