Technology for Circular Economy

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Technology for Circular Economy
Location: Online
Organizer: RPAC
A Prologue to the 2021 SWITCH-Asia Leadership Academy

Date: 25 March 2021    I    Time: 15:00 - 16:30 Beijing Time (GMT) + 8    I     Register here 


The EU-funded SWITCH-Asia Programme is sup­porting the uptake of SCP in Asia. The Regional Policy Advocacy Component implemented by UNEP is responsible for organizing the Leadership Acade­my which is a milestone of the SWITCH-Asia pro­gramme that works closely with selected young pro­fessionals from Asia to shift mindsets. Previous academies were organized in 2018 in Bangkok and 2019 in China to introduce the fundamental concept of circular economy. In 2020, the Academy dived deep into the aspect of how to communicate circular economy with case studies from both Asia and Europe. This year, the RPAC sees the need to touch base on technology and innovation. Technological advancement across sectors has catalyzed circular business models, driving new processes, new com­munication channels and new operational efficien­cies that promote achievement of circular economy through enabling the decoupling of resource use from economic growth across industries. 

In collaboration with Tongji University, SWITCH-Asia RPAC is organizing the Prologue to kick off the 2021 Leadership Academy, with aims to shift mindsets and inspire action on innovative technologies to­wards circular economy among young professionals in the region. This will be an online event that will bring frontiers insights and integrated solutions to technology innovation for a circular economy.