Tajikistan National Multi-stakeholder Consultation on SCP

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Tajikistan National Multi-stakeholder Consultation on SCP
Type: Meeting
Location: Dushanbe, Tajik...
Organizer: SCP Facility
Understanding the role of SCP to a Green Economy Transition

The National SCP Multi-stakeholder Consultation will serve as driver to improve the framing of needs and priorities, provide an opportunity to national stakeholders to set a strategic direction for delivering SCP at the national and local level. It provides a platform to better understand the role/input of SCP to a Green Economy Transition in Tajikistan, to discuss main issues, to select national priorities and to find appropriate solutions, to strengthen cooperation among all stakeholders.

The SCP Facility is going to organise this event at the request of and in close collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Industry, which is the responsible Ministry for Green Economy implementation. International and regional organisations such as CAREC and UN Agencies, UNEP, UNDP, UN ESCAP, GERES will be consulted and associated in order to optimise and reinforce joint inputs to green economy implementation.

Objectives of the event:
  • Bring the concerned stakeholders together including ministries, business, academia, universities and other key actors at national and sub-national levels and create a productive exchange on needs and priorities;
  • Discuss national SCP needs, priorities, challenges and opportunities for action;
  • Identify support needed from the SCP Facility to address priorities;
  • Define concrete next steps on how to implement the demand that will result from this consultation in further supporting SCP delivery;
  • Establish a consultation platform between key stakeholders including the ministries, business, civil society actors, National SCP Focal point, and the EU Delegation to further mainstream and address SCP related issues in the country.