Promoting the Effective Implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement in Asia

Promoting the Effective Implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement in Asia
Type: Training
Location: Online
Organizer: RPAC
Regional Training

When:  22-24 February 2022    I     Time:  14:00 - 16:00 (Bangkok Time)   I   Register HERE


The Asia Pacific region is home to 60% of the world’s population, and it is expected that by the year 2030, the global annual gross domestic product (GDP) share of the region will increase up to 50%. However, the region consumes 60% more natural resources per unit of GDP resulting in 20% more CO2 emissions per unit of value-added than the world average. Hence, sustainable consumption and production (SCP) has emerged as a key challenge for the region. The SWITCH-Asia Regional Policy Advocacy Component (RPAC), implemented by United Nations Environment Programme, is designed to strengthen the dialogue at regional, sub-regional and national policies to promote Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) and thereby contributing to green growth and poverty alleviation in Asia. With the SWITCH Asia Programme’s implementation, Asia has made progress in preparing SCP action plans and mainstreaming SCP into their national plans. The advancement of SPP practices is thus recognized as a key strategic approach of the global efforts towards achieving more sustainable consumption and production patterns. By greening public procurement, the region could wield a key strategic tool to achieve sustainable development. Nevertheless, limited technical knowledge, awareness and capacity are potential hindrances toward achieving meeting the targets of SPP. 


The objective of this activity is to increase technical knowledge and capacity of governments to implement SPP in Asia, to increase awareness and promote SPP processes, criteria and guidelines and to illustrate good practices and exchange knowledge of measures needed to establish SPP overall and for specific sectors based on national priorities. This training is aimed to support the successful implementation of SPP in the Asia-Pacific region by promoting the development of effective policies and green market focusing the intensive sectors such as energy, plastic, building, and mobility sectors.

  1. Strengthening the capacity and knowledge building for promoting the implementation of SPP 
  2. Sharing the lessons learned from success stories of SPP from the EU and the countries from Asia Pacific region
  3. Establishing the sector specific case studies for replicating them in other countries 
  4. Awareness raising and public outreach for wider acceptance and stakeholder participation  

Expected outputs and outcomes

  1. Regional Training on establishing and implementing SPP in Asian countries: Learning from Pilot Project Case Studies. 
  2. Background research paper on ‘SPP to Steer Green Growth in Asia’ 
  3. Training Manual for SPP
  4. Case studies on promoting and encouraging GPP in Asian countries 

Target participants 

Multi-stakeholders relevant to SPP with a focus on government from eighteen countries in Asia. Government and practitioners from Europe to intensify the discussion.