Building new partnerships to globally support EU priorities on the circular economy

Building new partnerships to globally support EU priorities on the circular economy
Type: Webinar
Location: Online
Organizer: SWITCH2Green
The SWITCH to Green Experience Promoting Circular Business Models in Key Value Chains

WHEN: 15 June 2021    I    TIME:  13:00 - 13:45 (CET)    I   Register HERE    I   Official European Development Days Page


Re-use, recycling and recovery are at heart of a circular economy – as envisioned by the new Circular Economy Action Plan of the EU. The transition to such an economy poses challenges to raw materials supply, manufacturing and recycling in Europe as well as in partner countries. SMEs – essential players in slowing or closing resource cycles – need support to make the radical shift from a linear economy to circular business models and circular value chains. In the presented session, three SMEs supported under the EU funded SWITCH programme share their journey towards circular practices and a greener employment.

Tackling the largest global waste streams, the highlighted SMEs cover different sectors such as construction, electronics and plastics, and plastics, to demonstrate how circular economy practices can benefit people and the planet. A case from Mongolia shows what it takes to develop, verify and approve a commercial product from construction and demolition waste. An intervention from Ghana demonstrates recycling of e-Waste, and a start-up project from Morocco transforming plastic waste into eco-friendly construction material. Increasing raw materials consumption and a significant shortage of natural resource stress that the current linear economic model is no longer viable. Stories of circular business models become even more relevant.


The session showcases circular business models supported by the EU in partner countries through the SWITCH programmes. It highlights how SMEs develop and contribute to decent jobs while addressing environmental impacts. It focuses on priority value chains such as construction, electronics and plastics, where the SWITCH experience demonstrates the opportunities associated to circular economy practices. Participants feed into the debate their experiences on the policies, resources and investments needed to make circularity work for people, regions and cities, as envisioned under the EU Circular Economy Action Plan.



Carla MONTESI, Director at the European Commission’s Directorate General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA)

Carla Montesi is currently Director at the European Commission’s Directorate General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA). She has been responsible for the Directorate “Planet and Prosperity” since September 2018. Before that (2014-2018) she was Director for Western and Central Africa. Prior to 2014, she was Director at the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Initially responsible for fisheries conservation, control and structural actions for the Mediterranean and Black Sea, she has piloted maritime policy as well as fisheries and funding for the Baltic Sea, North Sea and Landlocked Member States.



Nilgün Taş, Deputy Director of the Department of Environment and Chief for the Industrial Resource Efficiency Division, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Nilgün Taş is the Deputy Director of the Department of Environment and Chief for the Industrial Resource Efficiency Division at UNIDO. She also leads UNIDO’s cross-departmental team for Circular Economy. As a private sector development specialist with over 34 years of experience, Nilgün held various positions as Chief for Competitiveness, Business Environment and Industrial Upgrading Unit, Chairperson of the Gender Mainstreaming Steering Committee, UNIDO Representative in Vietnam and Chief/Senior Technical Advisor for various UNIDO, UNDP, OECD and TIKA projects since 1996.



Jens Kristian NORGAARD, Technical Key Expert, Sustainable Consumption and Production SWITCH to Green Facility

As Key Expert on Circular Economy and Sustainable Consumption and Production for the SWITCH to Green Facility (with DG INTPA F2), Jens Kristian Norgaard supports INTPAs strategy for the transition towards a circular economy in EU Partner Countries.







Jana Zilkova, Head of Mission (Country Representative) Caritas Czech Republic in Mongolia

Jana is a performance-driven professional with 10+ years of experience in the international and non-governmental environment. Dedicated to making an impact on people and society, she is carving her way in international development, project management, research, fundraising, and event management. Jana is also the Project Manager of several SWITCH-Asia funded projects implemented in Mongolia. These include: Sustainable Plastic Recycling in Mongolia (ongoing) and Recycling Building Materials (completed).  



SWITCH Africa Green

Vivian AHIAYIBOR, Managing Director, City Waste Recycling Limited (CWR), Ghana 

Vivian Ahiayibor is the Managing Director of City Waste Recycling Limited (CWR). The company offers complete solutions for waste management. These include Waste Segregation, Waste Haulage, Waste Recycling and Waste Disposal. CWR employs directly (formal sector) and indirectly (informal sector) more than 500 people. CWR collects waste from industries, institutions, etc., recycles plastics, saw-dust, e-waste, cooling aggregates, de-contaminates compressor oils, lead-acid batteries and lithium batteries management as well as Catalytic Converters.



Houda (Mrouche) and Saif (Eddine Laalej), Founders Zelij Invent

Zelij Invent is a green tech solution that transforms plastic waste into sustainable paving blocks and traditional floor tiles. This raw material can then be used and shaped in many different ways to create a wide variety of attractive and sustainable end products. Zelij Invent was incubated among others by SwitchMed.